Linda Loeschen
Linda lives on a small ranch with her husband, Lee, at the base of Mt. Sopris, in Basalt, Colorado. Even though she was trained at Parsons School of Design in New York City, her art journey started here in Colorado. She started by painting Lee's old denim work shirt that was hanging on a fence post, then his cowboy hats and boots. From there her work has grown to encompass all facets of life in the West. Her landscape, wildlife and figural paintings feature a distinctive take on texture and layering that result in one of a kind compositions that resonate with collectors.
Over the years, galleries and publications started to take notice of Linda's work and she was invited to prestigious shows and her work began to show up in publications such as Cowboys and Indians, US ART and one of her pieces, "Box Canyon Ambush" was chosen for the cover of "Art of the American West". In December 2009 Linda became the newest Signature Member of the American Women Artists.
Connection 60x24 Acrylic on Canvas
Rocks and Sage 18x24 Acrylic on Canvas
Rocky Mountain High 18x24 Acrylic on Canvas
Watch Your Step 18x24 Acrylic on Canvas
No Passing Acrylic on Canvas 18x24
Near and Far 36x24 Acrylic on Canvas
By the Creek 16x20 Acrylic on Canvas